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Baler Full Line Literature
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Vermeer Net Literature
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Vermeer INntroduces 600N Series Balers for Hay, Forage and Cornstalk Baling
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Title :
605N Cornstalk Special
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Updated Timestamp :
Jan 1, 2017, 12:04 PM
Created Timestamp :
Jan 1, 2017, 12:01 PM
It takes a rugged baler with heavy-duty components to withstand the tough conditions and tight timeframes of baling cornstalks. When it comes to durability and efficiency, the new Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special baler is equipped to bale through even the toughest crop quickly and efficiently. With more heavy-duty components than its predecessor, it’s clear that the 605N Cornstalk Special offers unmatched productivity when baling cornstalks.
- Patented powered windguard design – features evenly-spaced, fin-shaped plates clamped to the hex shaft to help feed high-volume cornstalk material into the bale chamber. And it’s reversible – so you can quickly clear the pickup and continue to bale, without leaving the tractor cab.
- The drive system features a pickup clutch that is mounted on the lower drive roller that automatically stops the pickup when desired bale size is reached. Lessening inadvertent overfill of the bale chamber, this feature provides longer pickup life due to less wear and tear on components.
- The E-Link Pro Display offers enhanced usability, such as easily-accessible bale weight and moisture readings on the home screen with optional scale and/or moisture sensors. It also comes with the ability to keep track information for up to 20 customers, with up to 10 fields per customer, electronically. Additionally, the E-Link Pro provides the operator with feedback on the auto-lube greasing system and the pickup clutch control.
- Controlled through the E-Link Pro display, the standard auto-lube greasing system ensures timely lubrication to critical bearings at user-defined intervals. This automatic system performs best with high-pressure Polyurea grease.
- The Inline ramp makes loading bales in the field up to 35% faster by turning the bales during discharge to position them between the rows. Reduce damage to the bales and wear and tear on bale moving equipment, with less movement required for bale retrieval and prevent the need to drive across rows, ridges and stalks.
- Heavy-duty components – from the O-ring change to the pickups and axles – make the baler durable enough to handle high-volume, contamination-prone cornstalks.
- See your Vermeer dealer for comprehensive service and genuine Vermeer replacement parts.
Bale Size
Bale Diameter | 72 " | 182.9 cm |
Bale Width | 61 " | 154.9 cm |
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