- Non-stop round module harvesting solution
- 13.5L Tier 4 engine with 530 peak horsepower
- ProDrive™ transmission with full-time 4WD
- 606SH or 608SH available headers
Simpler, more productive harvest with less labor

The CS690 introduces true nonstop harvesting technology to the cotton stripper for increased productivity. Unlike traditional basket strippers, the CS690 provides its own onboard module building system, thereby eliminating boll buggy drivers, module builder operators, and all the supporting equipment traditionally needed during cotton harvest.
One Floydada, TX grower explained, "(The CS690) gives us an opportunity to reduce our labor, it gives us a more efficient way of handling and storing our cotton, and the non-stop harvest means your efficiencies go way up."
Increased productivity
The nonstop harvesting of cotton is achieved through the use of a high-volume accumulator, round module builder, and round module handler. The accumulator collects cotton while a formed round module is wrapped with a protective film and ejected onto the machine's rear handler. The handler allows a completed round module to be carried to the end of the row.
Since round modules are formed, ejected, and can be off-loaded while the CS690 is still harvesting, the operator can remain on the row instead of unloading or waiting to unload cotton into boll buggies or module builders.
Reduction of labor
It can be difficult acquiring good labor to be able to keep multiple cotton strippers, boll buggies, and module builders up and running. With the CS690, harvesting cotton simply requires one operator per machine, and one tractor operator to stage modules for transport. Additionally, since each round module is wrapped with a protective film, they do not require the application of a module tarp for field storage protection. The CS690 helps reduce the risks associated with finding labor, enabling producers to have more efficient and less labor intensive harvesting operations.
A cotton harvesting veteran in the Ropesville, TX area stated, "The nonstop harvesting is what makes the CS690 what it is. Being able to harvest cotton with one individual doing the same thing that nine or 10 people were doing previously."
Reduction of support equipment
Typically each basket-style stripper requires a fleet of support equipment to achieve maximum harvest productivity:
- Boll buggy
- Boll buggy tractor
- Module builder
- Module builder tractor
- The CS690 requires only two pieces of support equipment:
- Frontier™ CM1100 Cotton Module Handler (or equivalent)
- 8000 Series (or equivalent) Row-Crop Tractor
These two pieces of equipment are used to stage round modules end-to-end in groups of four, so they may be picked up by a module truck. Producers and ginners also have the flexibility to haul the round modules on flatbed trailers, providing the opportunity to haul more pounds per load for reduced transport costs. Since modules can be staged any time, day or night, one tractor and CM1100 Cotton Module Handler can support multiple CS690 Cotton Strippers.
This reduction in support equipment means less equipment and traffic in the field and less fuel consumption. The CS690 not only creates a simplified harvest scheme, it helps reduce frustration that producers face while having to contend with traffic on increasingly busy roads.
More power to harvest in demanding conditions

The CS690 Cotton Stripper is a powerful harvesting system only from John Deere. With a 373-kW (500-hp), John Deere Final Tier 4 (FT4) 13.5L (824-cu in.) PowerTech™ PSS engine, the CS690 packs enough punch to harvest in the most demanding conditions.

Many ask how frequently one must stop to fill up the CS690 with diesel fuel and the answer is simple - just once a day. The 61-L (16-gal.) diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank will last much longer. The CS690 comes equipped with a 1022-L (270-gal.) fuel tank that allows the operator to fill up the tank while servicing the cotton stripper.
When it is time to move from one field to the next, the CS690 offers a transport configuration with a height of 4765 mm (187.5 in.). It moves from harvest mode to transport mode in roughly one minute and allows the operator to easily move down the road at 27 km/h (17 mph).
Whether trying to beat a rain coming in, harvesting in tough conditions, or simply moving from one field to the next, the CS690 provides power on which operators can depend.
Conserve fiber quality with 360 degrees of protection

A combination of high winds and rain can damage cotton whether in the field or at gin yards.

The CS690 Cotton Stripper provides weather resilience for harvested cotton only from John Deere. With the fixed, 2.44-m (8-ft) wide round modules, producers and ginners receive 360 degree of protection, creating a unique shape that keeps cotton from blowing away and from wicking moisture that can reduce crop quality.
Modules are wrapped three times within the CS690’s onboard module builder, ensuring cotton fiber and seed protection. Each portion of wrap contains two segments of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) film. A non-tacky layer is followed by two tacky layers to keep the round modules in a uniform shape and provide protection from wind, dust, and rain.
The Z-LOCK® dual tail-adhesive system ensures the tapered end of the wrap is secure in high winds and rain and that the next portion is ready for wrapping the next module.

Producers who have round modules on their farms are impressed by the round modules' ability to preserve the cotton fiber and quality. One south Texas coastal producer harvested his entire south Texas cotton crop with 7760 Cotton Pickers. He shared, “The regular modules always have a bale or two on each end that will be a grade difference in color, and they also lose sometimes 10 to 15 percent of the cotton down on the ground. If you have got 25 cm (10 in.) to 30 cm (12 in.) of rain on the regular module, the module trucks just have to shave it off. And that cotton is still sitting out on the gin yard when the ginning is over; it is hard to determine how much we actually lost. In our round modules, we had zero loss this year.”
The CS690 offers that same preservation capability for the cotton stripper producer.
With no lost cotton, this producer was able to harvest his entire crop and have it arrive at the gin feeder floor, ready to be ginned. No other cotton harvesting system available on the market today can deliver a producer's crop from the field to the gin floor.

Producers are not the only ones who see benefits in weather resilience with round modules; ginners are also enjoying the benefits. A ginner in North Carolina with much experience ginning cotton, both round and traditional modules, shared the following observation, “Once the cotton is in these round modules, it is safe. You do not have to worry about weather. You do not have to worry about time. It seems like the longer they stay in there, the better they gin.”
Z-LOCK is a trademark of Tama Plastic Industry.
Ginning advantages offered only by the CS690

The CS690 makes the ginning season easier for one of cotton farmers' most important production partners - ginners.
During the cotton ginning season, ginners are constantly on the go. They coordinate moving modules from fields to the gin yard. They manage the cotton entering the feeder floor and they keep the gin running should something break down. While doing all this, they still manage to gin 218-kg (480-lb) bales of cotton and place them securely in their warehouses, ready to go to a warehouse or mill. Clearly, being a ginner is hard work.
In the middle of the cotton harvest season, module trucks can run 24 hours a day trying to collect cotton modules that sit on turn rows. If rain is on the way, module truck drivers may need to change their scheduled routes and go to fields that could be impassable after a deluge to ensure the cotton makes it to the gin yard. Damaged traditional modules from wind can also quickly change pickup priorities.
Producers who use traditional modules have only one option to get their cotton to the gin - the traditional module truck. However, producers who generate round modules from their CS690 can move round modules with increased flexibility by two methods.
The Frontier™ Round Module Handler allows staging during or after harvest wherever is most convenient or ideal for pick up. After staging, round modules can be moved from the field by standard module trucks (after the inner six chains are changed) or flatbed semi-trailers. Four round modules fit easily in a standard module truck, whereas a 14.6-m (48-ft) flatbed trailer can haul six round modules, and a 16.2-m (53-ft) flatbed trailer can transport seven round modules at a time. Ginners and their module truck drivers can count on increased transportation flexibility when round modules are ginned at their facilities.

Increased flexibility in moving modules from the field to the gin yard is only the beginning of a long list of benefits ginners gain with round modules. Round modules are fully wrapped, minimizing the amount of lost cotton in the field or at the gin yard. For a gin ginning round modules, there is no need for a cleanup crew since there is no lost cotton on the ground. Conventional modules sitting on the ground have the opportunity to wick water off the ground, whereas the fully-wrapped modules keep cotton dry from the field, to the gin yard, to the gin.
One ginner in a coastal south Texas community had to deal with a very large obstacle during a past cotton harvest: Hurricane Dolly. He recalled, “We had 25 cm (10 in.) to 30 cm (12 in.) of rain across a 10-day period. We ginned round bales in the daytime and the conventional cotton in the evenings. During that period, we measured the amount of gas we were using on both of these, and we had about a 40 percent savings on gas [with the round modules].”
For ginners, that amount of savings can help maintain a gin's profitability. Drier cotton in round modules compared to conventional modules was not a unique occurrence. Gin studies conducted throughout the south found that cotton in round modules received better grades and was significantly drier than that stored in traditionally-shaped modules.
Ginners have reported positive results when ginning round modules. They have found the compact, round module design helps reduce cotton loss and quality degradation. The highly engineered wrap provides weather- and element-resistant round modules that preserve the quality of fiber and seed delivered to the gin.
Overall, ginners are pleased with the consistent module size, shape, and reduced moisture levels that facilitate increased throughput at the gin. In addition, the fully recyclable wrap may be sold to recyclers in the area, an extra income for the gin.
Round module moisture sensing ensures fiber quality

The moisture sensor on the CS690 Cotton Harvester provides on-the-go, real-time moisture measurement on which operators can rely. The moisture sensor is mounted on the round module builder which reads cotton moisture levels as the round module is being formed.
Customer value:
- Real-time data to help preserve cotton quality
- Module moisture documented in Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro
- Industry-leading accuracy in the critical 9–13 percent moisture range
Ginning value:
- Maximizes ginning efficiency through module moisture tracking
Theory of operation:
The moisture sensor continuously measures the moisture of seed cotton in contact with the moisture sensor during the round module forming process.
Round module weighing affords expanded capabilities

Round module weighing is standard on all CS690 Cotton Harvesters and provides real-time feedback on module weight during harvest. Operators will appreciate the added capabilities afforded by this system, such as easier yield monitor calibration. Round module weighing teamed with Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro provides the ginner with recorded module weights to be loaded into their system. Gins without scales will be able to use the module weights to provide turnout data to the producer.
Theory of operation:
Round module weighing process starts when the round module ejects from the module builder onto the handler. Once the handle automatically moves to the carry position the module weight is displayed on the CommandCenter™ display and displayed and documented in the GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display or Gen 4 4640 Universal Display if the harvester is equipped with Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro.
Harvest Identification (ID), Cotton Pro tracks round modules from the cab

Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro is the next generation of round module tracking. Features include the documentation of module moisture, weight, editable comments, and other features listed below. Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro links to John Deere Operations Center Field Analyzer tool to visually display module created locations on the yield map along with providing individual module information.
More information about the integration of Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro with John Deere Operations Center is available here.
Operators have multiple options in choosing when to send Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro files from their display to the Operations Center. Choose between the Send Files button on the run page of the display, allowing operators to send files via JDLink™ Connect with Wireless Data Transfer (WDT) and pre-established send times on the setup tab. See below for more detail on these options.

Another option the operator has is to send files automatically at three different times during the day, which are selected by the operator in the Harvest ID, Cotton Pro setup tab.

Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro monitor

Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro incorporates features that allow producers to better manage their cotton harvest data for agronomic decisions. Expanded operational features on the GreenStar 3 2630 or Gen 4 4640 Universal Display include automatic module serial number, module notifications, comments, module history, field file sorting, and season counter reset.
The automatic module serial number feature will fill in a missed module serial number if the radio frequency identification (RFID) tag did not document in the Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro monitor and file. This feature reads the previous module serial number and the serial number of the module after the missed module and automatically completes the missing serial number if it detects sequential serial numbers. In addition to the automatic serial number feature, the serial number field on the display is editable, allowing the operator to add a serial number manually.
Module notifications alert the operator of missing RFID data and potential data loss so the information can be captured and documented while the module is displayed on the GreenStar 3 2630 or Gen 4 4640 Universal Display. This feature allows the information coming from the harvester to John Deere Operations Center to be complete removing the need to correct data later.
Operators have the ability to add comments to modules in the GreenStar 3 2630 or Gen 4 4640 Universal Display while harvesting. This capability allows the producer to manage modules that have a comment and can be used to alert ginners of something specific to the module.
Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro allows operators to view three modules on the GreenStar 3 2630 or Gen 4 4640 Universal Display at one time. This flexibility allows the operator to make comments and compare module information while harvesting in the field.
Producers have the flexibility of creating specific Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro files to meet their needs. A producer can create any one or multiples of the following files: master data file (standard), client data file, field data file, producer ID data file, and gin ID data file. These files allow a producer to manage data for custom harvest producers, by the field, by producer ID, and/or by gin ID. These files shorten the time a producer spends reviewing data.
Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro theory of operation
The backbone of John Deere Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro is the RFID tag chip found in each portion of Tama RMW™ cotton wrap. This module wrap is currently produced with Impinj® Monza® RFID tag chips embedded in the polyurethane material.
These RFID tag chips give each round module the ability to be recorded and processed as single entities. With this unique characteristic, producers and ginners can generate more specific reports, which could define and link attributes to a production area.
Advantages of linking crop characteristics to a production area:
- Ability to see exactly what crop quality a particular section of the field produced
- Finely adjust application rates or even trace back high leaf grades to defoliation problems
Producers need this type of information to more precisely select varieties with characteristics that would allow them to gain the most value out of their land. Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro is the building block to these ideas.
The information found in the Harvest Identification file includes data relevant to both a producer’s documentation requirements and their ginner’s record keeping system. Data files can be transferred from the machine automatically with Wireless Data Transfer (WDT) included in a JDLink Connect subscription or manually using a USB stick. The chart shows what is automatically entered into Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro and what information is populated through operator input, given that a StarFire™ receiver is installed.
John Deere Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro file inputs |
Automatically populated fields |
Operator populated fields |
Module identification number | Client* |
Module serial number | Farm* |
Module created Latitude | Field* |
Module created Longitude | Variety* |
GMT date | Operator |
GMT time | Gin ID |
Machine serial number | Producer ID |
Local time | |
Field area | |
Season total | |
Module diameter | |
Module moisture | |
Module weight | |
Module drop latitude | |
Module drop longitude | |
Field total | |
Incremental area | |
Local date | |
Comments |
*Fields will be populated automatically if information is preloaded into the display before season and Field Locator is selected.
Module identification (ID) number
The module ID number is used to uniquely identify one module from another. By giving each round module a unique ID number, every module produced has its own description and attributes associated to it. This provides value chain partners the ability to dig deeper into the why and how as it pertains to the production cycle and its effect on quality and output.
Module serial number
The module serial number (SN) is used to give a historical account for each portion of the Tama RMW. This number is used to identify each portion’s year of production, manufacturing location, and production machine.
Module moisture
Individual module moisture is documented for traceability to the producer and ginner. Module moisture is closely tied to cotton quality which helps the producer know when to start and stop harvesting during their harvest day. Ginners can prioritize ginning for modules with high moisture to preserve both fiber and seed quality.
Module weight
Producers can track individual module weights which eases infield yield monitor calibration. Ginners will appreciate the individual weights for their records, specifically gins without scales.
Incremental area
Incremental area provides the producer measured area between round modules. This area provides increments in the field that can be used to identify opportunities in a particular production zone within the field.
Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro offers producers the capability to add notes to each individual module from the display. This field displays any comments the operator adds while harvesting which can be used by the producer or ginner to track specific modules if needed.
Module created latitude and longitude
These fields provide coordinates on where the module was created, module wrapped, in the machines round module chamber. These two positions help producers identify and/or highlight particular production zones within their operation.
Module drop latitude and longitude
These fields provide coordinates on where the module was dropped in the field to better coordinate module staging activities.
GMT date and time
The GMT time and date was chosen as a global input to represent date and time of module formation.
From the producer’s standpoint
John Deere Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro provides the ability to track and record module formation as it occurs in the field. When a module is unloaded from the machine’s round module chamber, its information is sent to a controller by a specifically designed RFID reader. Here the data is compiled with the operator’s production inputs giving the module its unique identity. With this information, producers can isolate round cotton modules based on fields or specific production areas. Once defined, location coordinates can be used to correlate applied inputs to yield performance. Producers do not have this degree of traceability with traditional basket systems, as multiple machines could be feeding one module builder; mixing cotton from multiple field sites into large traditional modules. It is almost impossible to look at characteristics on a per acre basis this way.
Cotton producers have asked for another way to track and tag modules without having to manually go to each individually in the field. Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro gives producers a unique and efficient way to record information from modules one-fourth the size of traditional modules, and it is all done from the machine’s operator seat. Also, with Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro, a producer does not have to wonder how many modules were made in each field. The machine collects that information while also connecting module identification numbers to producer defined inputs; populating a data file that not only can be used for yearly production records but can also be sent to gins as a harvest report.
From the ginner’s standpoint
John Deere Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro provides an avenue for a more robust module tracking and logistical system. By incorporating Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro into the ginning process and utilizing an electronic booking system, organizations will see efficiency increases throughout their operation. From the way production information is entered on the producer side to how gin managers initiate module transport; ginners will see a dramatic improvement in their day-to-day operation.
One part of the system is the actual Harvest Identification file that is sent from the producer to the gin. The other important piece is the RFID tag found in the wrap portions. RFID is a leading technology in inventory tracking/verification, as it provides the ability to record real-time activity and product movement. As a wireless non-contact use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, any object with an RFID tag chip has the ability to be recorded using RFID readers and antennas.
Like most businesses, cotton gins have product that is constantly moving from one place to another.
RFID technology is starting to take the place of the common barcode system as a more efficient and user-friendly way to track inventory. One of the biggest advantages of RFID tracking is the ability to read tags that are not within a line-of-sight or that may be imbedded within an object. When trying to implement an RFID system, the user needs three basic parts: a tag chip, reader hardware, and the supporting software to translate data into a useable format.
From the simple advantage of recording modules as they are made to gins building robust RFID-based tracking systems, the need to know more is beginning to show itself in the cotton industry.
Impinj and Monza are trademarks of Impinj, Inc. Tama RMW is a trademark of Tama Plastic Industry.